You are an individual
Your treatment is too
Treatment is targeted, specific and tailored to suit your body at the time.
Powerful and Effective
A hands on form of body work that treats the whole person, to aid in the reduction of pain, restore movement and improve health
As of yet, I don't have a return-to-work date but as soon as I have a plan, I will let you know via the newsletter and social media.
Bowen is one of the most powerful, effective and versatile modalities for helping people with pain and movement.
As an alternative to pyshio, thousands of people worldwide have had their lives transformed by this therapy. An added beauty is that this option is not restricted to helping with muscular skeletal issues, it can also aid with digestive and organic problems.
Bowen is a physical therapy developed initially by Tom Bowen in Australia. Using gentle pressure and a specific type of rolling movement, different areas of the body are stimulated in a way to create change. It works with the body as a whole and aims to resolve the cause of a problem rather focusing on one specific symptom.
In my experience, it is highly effective at relieving pain, resolving a range of muscular and skeletal problems, restoring movement and therefore improving wellbeing.
Treatment is safe for everyone from new born to elder, athlete to infirm.
With gentle pressure, using fingers and thumbs, moves are made over specific areas of the body. These moves activate nerve pathways under the muscle and other tissue, to stimulate the fascia (connective tissue).
The body responds to this in different ways. It can encourage the fascia to become more mobile, help improve the function of the different systems in the body, (including the nervous system, circulatory system and lymphatic system), help to reduce inflammation and to release tension in the tissue. This move encourages the body to reset, align, balance and repair itself.
As a result of this response, there is often an immediate start to the healing process, a reduction of pain and improvement to the area.
Bowen also breaks body-brain pain loops that provide the sensation of pain where there is no longer a problem.
Bowen is known to help people with the following list of symptoms (this list is not exhaustive)
MUSCULAR SKELETAL PAIN – back, neck, shoulder, knee and other joint pain, sciatica, jaw (TMJ) discomfort, whiplash, sports injuries, general muscle ache, RSI, tennis/golfers elbow, plantar fasciitis, scoliosis, hamstring problems, foot and ankle pain.
DIGESTIVE ISSUES – IBS, Crohn’s, acid reflux, constipation and indigestion have been improved or resolved with treatment.
CHRONIC PROBLEMS – Fibromyalgia, CFS, migraines, MS, ME, Parkinson’s, lymphoedema, stroke symptoms have been alleviated and managed with a treatment plan.
RESPIRATORY CHALLENGES – Asthma, hay fever, sinus problems are often significantly eased following a course of treatment.
IMPROVE WELLBEING – Treatment has been able to help improve posture, flexibility, circulation, lymphatic drainage and energy levels. Sleep habits usually improve and stabilise and levels of stress and anxiety significantly reduce.
PREGNANCY AND BABIES – Common pregnancy symptoms such as cramping, low back pain, nausea and sickness, pelvic pain and SPD, breathlessness, carpal tunnel syndrome and headaches are often relieved with a session of Bowen. Feeding problems, colic, digestive problems and sleep issues have been resolved or significantly improved following treatment. If you have a generally unsettled or restless baby, Bowen can work wonders.
CHILDREN – Aches, pains and injuries, headaches, ear ache and glue ear, asthma, digestive issues, lack of balance, sleeping problems, anxiety, persistent coughs and colds, sensory difficulties, trips and falls due to structural misalignment, posture problems, symptoms linked to ADHD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Dyspraxia
After you arrive, we will discuss what has led you to seek out treatment and the problems and symptoms you are experiencing. I will then work through an overall body assessment before getting you on the couch (or chair if you cannot lay down).
Treatment can be carried out through light clothing so there is no need to get undressed.
Treatment involves a series of gentle moves over muscles, ligaments, tendons and underlaying tissue. This creates a relaxation and healing response within the body.
At various points during your treatment there will be deliberate pauses where I may leave the treatment area to allow your body to respond. These pauses are a unique feature to bowen, forming an essential integral part of treatment which increase the effectiveness of the therapy.
There is no forceful manipulation, no clicking or crunching. Most clients find it a relaxing experience.
£50 Initial consultation and treatment
£45 Follow up session
£35 Maintenance (30 minutes)
£25 Child
£10 Self Myo-Fascial Release Class (Online)
Treatment is targeted, specific and tailored to suit your body at the time.